Saturday 13 April 2024

Postal Delays

 The Electronic New Worker was emailed normally on Friday. But due to a computer malfunction the printing of the New Worker was delayed by a day this week. The New Worker was dispatched on Saturday 13 April and should arrive on Monday. Please contact the Centre by phone or text if you have not received your copy by Tuesday.

Friday 29 March 2024

Easter 2024

 The Easter edition of the New Worker was printed and dispatched on Thursday 28th March which means most, if not all of our subscribers, will get their copy on Saturday.

Monday 11 March 2024

Delays: Edition 2244 Friday 8 March 2024

 The dispatch of the New Worker was delayed this week due to a glitch on our lay-out programme. This was resolved Sunday evening and, barring any further upsets, edition 2244 will be posted on Monday. In the meantime we will email the electronic edition to existing subscribers on request.

Sunday 9 April 2023

Easter Delays

 Usual delays due to postal delays due to the Easter public holidays. This week's paper should arrive on Tuesday 12th April. 

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Delays in Publication

Sadly the comrade who does the electronic lay out of the New Worker is in hospital following a visit to A&E complaining of chest pains. The doctors now think he may have suffered a minor heart attack and he is now waiting for a possible by-pass operation in March. In the meantime he is being kept in for observation. This has inevitably meant that the latest issue of the New Worker, which should have been published on Friday 17th February has been delayed.

Other comrades who have the technical knowledge to use our InDesign programme have stepped into the breach and we hope to publish the 2196 edition and send out the Electronic New Worker by this weekend.

While this will ensure the continued production of the New Worker we can expect further delays in the weeks to come. In the long term we need to train others for this specialist work. But that will take time and money.

If we stood for nothing it wouldn’t matter. No one would miss us. But with US-led imperialism on the rampage piling on sanctions against China and funding the proxy war raging in Ukraine we have plenty to say. We stand for peace and socialism. That’s why we must keep going. All donations, big or small, to the fighting fund and the special appeal will help keep our presses rolling.

Friday 16 December 2022

Winter Break


Our two-week Christmas shut-down starts on Monday 19th December and the Centre officially re-opens on Monday 2nd January 2023. The last issue of the New Worker for this year came out on Friday 16th December and the first edition of the New Year will be published on Friday 6th January 2023.

Monday 12 September 2022


 The dispatch of the latest issue of the New Worker was delayed due to a fault on our electronic press. The machine was repaired on Monday and issue 2175 dated Friday 9th September went out the same day. However due to delays in our paper delivery we have had to limit each subscriber to one copy only -- further copies of this edition will be available on request at the end of this week when new paper supplies arrive.